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Open Access
Collection SFN
Volume 7, 2007
Neutrons Polarisés
Page(s) 69 - 122
DOI https://doi.org/10.1051/sfn:2007019
Publié en ligne 31 mai 2007
Collection SFN 7 (2007) 69-122
DOI: 10.1140/sfn:2007019

Form factors in magnetic scattering of thermal neutrons

R. Ballou

Laboratoire Louis Néel, CNRS, BP. 166X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France

(Published online: 31 May 2007)

This lecture addresses the concept of form factor in magnetic scattering of thermal neutrons, analyzing its meaning, discussing its measurement by polarized neutrons and detailing its computation for the ions by the spherical tensor operator formalism.

© EDP Sciences 2007